Shavee Tips
A Shavee’s Guide to Epic Fundraising
Your commitment to shaving is key to funding the future of kids' cancer research.
Fundraise with Facebook
From your St. Baldrick’s participant dashboard, create a Facebook Fundraiser to reach more friends.
Get StartedSpice up your page
Your head will be bald, but your page shouldn’t be. Personalize it, tell your story, and make it exciting.
Upload a before picture
Create a custom link
Set an ambitious fundraising goal and milestones
Find a child to honor
Sign in to customize your page
Make the first donation
Set the pace by making the first donation. How much should you give? The dollar amount you want others to donate.
Hint: If you raise $50+, you’ll earn a commemorative St. Baldrick’s t-shirt
Our top five fundraising tips
Get inspired
Every two minutes, a child is diagnosed with cancer – that’s 300,000 kids every year. St. Baldrick’s exists to find cures for these brave kids. By raising money and shaving your head, you’re helping to fund the most-promising childhood cancer research in the world.
Share your inspiration by asking your friends to watch Kellan's story. Then visit our YouTube or Vimeo pages for more incredible stories.
Spread the word
Let friends and family know why and when you're shaving, ask them to give, and include the link to your page. Reach out via email, text, or social media, and don’t be afraid to send reminders! After your shave, post your #baldselfie online and tag #StBaldricks #ConquerKidsCancer!
At a loss for words? Use our sample email and social media templates to get started. Be sure to check out St. Baldrick's Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok for stories to share.
Use the Resource Lounge
The Resource Lounge in your Members Area is full of tools to help you raise money. Boost your outreach efforts with our sample emails and social media posts. Need posters, fundraising ideas, or tips on how to ask for donations? We’ve got you covered.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Contact us at We’re here to help.
Join or Start a Team
Join forces with friends and family to fundraise as a team. Raising money as a group is fun and easy when you work together.
Leading a team? Use our Team Captain Tips to guide your team to success. Looking for swag or digital items to enhance your fundraising efforts? Contact us to find out what’s available.
Thank your supporters
Everyone loves feeling appreciated. Make your donor's day by sending a quick Thank You email. Send one easily from your Members Area by logging in and clicking the gift box in the upper-right menu.
Looking for the right way to say thanks? Refer to our sample thank you templates for inspiration. If you prefer to handwritten note, use the Resource Lounge to print a card you can mail out.
How to submit your donations
Encourage online giving to experience instant fundraising gratification.
Credit Card
(recommended)Send donors directly to your online participant page, and ask them to click the “Donate” button to give by credit card, PayPal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Venmo. They will receive a receipt via email automatically and their gift will appear on your page right away!
Ask donors to make checks payable to “St. Baldrick’s Foundation,” include your Participant ID# in the memo line, and complete a donation form to accompany each check. Check donations can be mailed directly to the Foundation or submitted at in-person events using these forms.
You can use the submit cash feature in your Members Area to turn in cash donations (please do not mail cash).
What’s your fundraising secret?
Andrew S.
6-time shavee, team captain, and event organizer, raised over $17,200 “The one main tip I’d suggest is to not be afraid to ask people more than once. A lot of times people intend to donate and need to put it off for various reasons. Sometimes they even thank you for reminding them!”
Erica and Avriana
First-time shavees, raised over $5,200 “I told everyone if I raised $500, my mom would shave with me. I raised $500 in one weekend! I talked to anyone who would listen about what I was doing and why I was doing it. You never know who has connections or who might be inspired to donate!”
Ahad J.
3-time shavee and team captain, raised over $7,300 “Truly believe in the cause and be passionate about it. Don't get disheartened when people say no. Remind them that their donations are tax deductible. Contact your local businesses and go door to door in your neighborhood. Always have a smile on your face.”
Your personal cheer squad
We’re here to help! Get in touch with us for any tips, fundraising support, or even those "why is the sky blue" kind of questions.
Email us at or call us at 888.899.BALD