A generic arrow icon.A twelve pointed star.A twelve pointed star.A generic calendar icon.A simple camera silhouette representing the ability to select an image.An icon representing a bag of cash money.An x shape representing the ability to delete an item.A gift box shaped icon representing the donations given and received.A pencil icon representing an editable state for an element.The facebook logo represented as the letter f.The facebook logo represented as the whole word facebook.A speech box shaped icon representing the messages sent and received.A four pointed arrow representing the ability to move items.An icon of a padlock.A plus sign silhouette representing the ability to add an item.The St. Baldrick's MarkA generic icon of a magnifying glass.A generic icon representing exiting a door or room.A simple trashcan silhouette representing the ability to delete an item.The Twitter bird icon.a generic human silhouette.

Childhood Cancer Research Grants

St. Baldrick’s Foundation is proud to fund lifesaving research throughout the world, awarding grants that focus on all major types of childhood cancers.

Donors and volunteers have enabled the foundation to fund over $354 million in grants, making St. Baldrick’s the top charitable funder of childhood cancer research grants. Each grant goes through a rigorous scientific review process, ensuring every dollar has the greatest possible impact for children with cancer.

St. Baldrick’s Foundation is proud to have received the National Cancer Institute Peer Review Funder designation for selection of grants.

To learn more about childhood cancer research being funded in your area of interest, search here.

Interested in applying for a St. Baldrick’s Foundation grant? Learn more about the grant application process.