Grants Search Results
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Showing 1-2 of 2 results
Funded: 01-01-2013
through 12-31-2013
Funding Type: Beneficiary Outside the U.S.
Institution Location:
Dublin, Ireland
Institution: Children's Leukaemia Research Project
Through this partnership with Children's Leukaemia Research Project proceeds from St. Baldrick's events in Ireland fund life-saving childhood cancer research in Ireland.
Funded: 07-01-2005
through 06-30-2025
Funding Type: Cooperative Research Grant (COG)
Institution Location:
Dublin, Ireland
Institution: Our Lady's Children's Hospital
This institution is a member of the Children's Oncology Group (COG). From the first event in 2000 until 2004, St. Baldrick's funds benefited the COG. Since the St. Baldrick's Foundation began making grants in 2005, each of the 200 member institutions of the COG has received a portion of a multi-million dollar St. Baldrick's grant every year. These funds have been distributed based on the number of patients at each institution who are treated on COG clinical trials, their best hope for a cure.