I'm shaving my head again to raise money for childhood cancer research! Specifically, for the Danny O'Brien Rhabdoid Tumor Research Fund. Thank you to everyone who has donated in the past and I hope that you'll consider donating again this year. With your help, the O'Briens have raised over $665,000 through these events and funded three research grants (read about them here). My friends, Rory and Mary O’Brien, lost their son Danny to a rare and aggressive form of cancer when he was only 9 months old. The O’Brien family is committed to helping find a cure for rhabdoid tumors and they have decided to honor their son and brother’s memory with the Danny Boy research fund. Childhood cancer research is extremely underfunded. Less than 4% of the National Cancer Institute’s research budget is allocated to research aimed at solving childhood cancers. Rory and Mary have decided to do something about it by starting a research fund with the goal of raising enough money to fund studies to find new ways to treat and hopefully cure malignant rhabdoid tumors. Please join me in support of this incredibly strong family by making a donation to help fight pediatric cancer. Details about the auction and the event are here.