Hello! Thank you for getting involved with this amazing cause!
I'm here because my 7 year old niece, pictured with me above and below, was diagnosed with an inoperable Brain Tumor in January of 2008. Morgan has since passed away and the pain and suffering that she fought through along with our family shouldn't exist in this wold! I am involved with St. Baldrick's because it is something that I can do to help others who are getting their horrific diagnosis or test results at this very moment.
To increase our Head Shaving efforts we become organized Circus Couture, www.CircusCouture.org. This Non-Profit organization is having an Art Gallery/ Art Auction/ Couture Runway/ Circus Performance event on February 28, 2010. Please drop me an email to get more information or simply visit the web site: www.CircusCouture.org
We need your money and your support to raise $50,000.00. If we reach our goal the money is going to be MATCHED for a total dollar amount of $100,000.00 that will go directly to benefit kids with cancer.
It is amazing that there are so many people in this world that have been affected my this life ending disease and I personally believe that if we can throw enough money to science we will find the cure!
Much love to you and yours!
Uncle Brett