Mar 31, 2019 • 10:30 am - 5:00 pm
Event: Kitty Hoynes Irish Pub & Restaurant
At: Kitty Hoynes Irish Pub & Restaurant
301 W.Fayette st., Syracuse, NY US
Donor List
Back to Fundraising Page$5,000 - $9,999
- Anonymous
$1,000 - $2,499
- Mac Cummings
$500 - $999
- Gerald Sweet
$250 - $499
- Miss Mary A. Phillips
- David Graham
- Denise Ellis
$100 - $249
- jane cate
- Deb McLear
- Barbara Connor MD
- Carolyn Tierney
- Mike Phillips
- Priscilla Worral
- sandy nichols
- Alison Wolfe
- Alton and Shannon Shader
- Bo & Cathy Ellis/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Chris Collins/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Cindy and Ned Smith
- Deborah Hubbard
- Dennis Coleman/ Lakehouse Pub
- Doug M
- Erin Sammut/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Gary Corbett/ Bread of Life/St. Lucy's
- Jeff Striegel/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Jim and Alice Murphy
- Jim Matthews/ St. Lucy’s
- Joe Goethe/ Lakehouse Pub
- John & Alyssa Carr/Carr mechanical contactor Lakehouse Pub patrons
- John & Jess/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Marianne Hanover
- Mary Ann Dobe/ St. Lucy's
- Mary Blum
- Mary Phillips/ In Loving memory of Susan Singer
- Matt & Linda Kerwin/ St. Lucy's Bread of Life
- Mo/(The Ellis family member) Lakehouse Pub patron
- Ryan & Elissa/ Lakehouse Pub coworkers
- Sara & John Bodine/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Steven Purcell
- Tom & Suzanne Mahar/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
$1 - $99
- Mike & Kathryn/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Cindy & Donna/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Dennis Thorpe/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Terry & Mike Byer/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Ianthe & Scott/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Anonymous
- Carl and Kristy Weber
- Jodi and Rob Bellinger
- Margaret Sutton
- Mark Stellingworth
- Nancy and John Muldoon
- Patricia Walter
- terry castleman
- Tim and Chris Toomey
- Andy DeMarco/ Lakehouse Pub
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Brenda Davidson/ Skaneateles First Presbyterian church member
- Carolyn Schwab
- Casey and Tracy/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Chuck & Nancy Williams/ Skaneateles First Presbyterian Church
- Danielle Lucie
- Eric Phillips
- Greg Mills
- John Young/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Mark McPeck/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Murph/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Sandra and Hugh Hadley
- Steve White/ First Presbyterian Church in Skaneateles
- Thomas Lambdin
- Windsor and Eileen Price Jr.
- Deb and Joe Paduda/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Tim Johnson/ Lakehouse Pub
- Ryan and Jessica Richardson
- Atsje Biver/ Skaneateles First Presbyterian Church
- Bo & Molly/ Post office
- Dana Pickering/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Kai & Heather/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Kathy & Ted Kinder/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Rich & Steve/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Tim/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Mary Phillips/ In honor of Mom
- Trina Williams/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- cash can/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Carolyn Ashe
- Joan Tarolli
- Mary Kane
- Pat and Jim Colling
- The Harveys
- Aimee Case/ Lakehouse coworker
- Airbnb
- Alan Marsella/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Anne Fey/ Skaneateles First Presbyterian Chirch
- Bob & Tammy from Binghamton/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Brian Ackles
- David and Carol Fish
- Deb & Steve Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Elizabeth Edinger
- Eric & Laurie Lucie
- Jane Hugo
- Janet Aaron
- John & Candy Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Judy Bobbett/ Skaneateles Presbyterian Church
- karen graham
- Kathy Belge In Honor Of Bob Belge
- Laura Lee/ Lakehouse Pub
- marianne sherman
- Mary Mahoney/ St. Lucy's
- Mora Harris
- Pat & Amy Sheik/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Pat/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Ralph & Jan Jergenson/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Aja Allen/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Anonymous
- Bill Cate/ Bakery
- Bill Cate/ Skaneateles Bakery
- Bob Lago/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Carol/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Couple - Guninness & Brooklyn Lager/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Courtney & Cassidy/ Sky Yoga
- Dan & Kathy/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Dave - Tumbleweed Jones/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Diana/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Donna Voltz Skaneateles First Presbyterian church member
- Ed & Janet Heinrich/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Eric (Jim & Pat) Lakehouse Pub patron
- Gail & Rick/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Gail Ryder/ Pine Knolls - Skaneateles
- Gin & Juice/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Greg & Helen LaPoint/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Greg Young/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Jan Shadle/ Skaneateles First Presbyterian Church
- Jane O'Brian/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- John and Laurie Scriven/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- John Lakehouse Pub patron
- Kathy Copich/ St. Lucy's Bread of Life
- Kelly McQuiggan/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Kendra Witter/ Skaneateles First Presbyterian church member
- Kim (Dee's friend)/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Mary Gardner
- Mona Smalley/ Skaneateles First Presbyterian Church
- Noel Getmann/ Bakery
- Pat/ Skaneateles Bakery
- Rich & Karen Brown/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Rob Bailer/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Sarah & Lane/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Stella & House Cab/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Steve & Diane/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Terry Riley/ Riley's
- The Ireland's/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- The Lashers/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Tim & Lori Murphy/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Tim & Sharon Dudley/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Tonnie & Keith/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Trey Savage/ Lakehouse Pub
- woman Lakehouse Pub
- Abbie & Gracie Lee Lakehouse Pub patrons
- cash can/ Lakehouse Pub
- cash cup/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Annie/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Beverly/ St. Lucy's Bread of Life
- Jeff/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Larry Palmarie/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Linda VanHoltz/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Mike & Rose/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- O'Hara/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Renee & Pete/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Richie & Vanessa/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Steve/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- The McFeeney's/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Anonymous
- annonymous/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Customer/ Lakehouse Pub patron
- Joel & Cash Can Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Margo Grobsmith/ Bread of Life/St. Lucy's
- Marlene & Arthur/ Lakehouse Pub patrons
- Joel/ Lakehouse Pub