I've been involved with this incredible event since year one and I've gained way more than I've given. I've gained friends, love, knowledge, understanding and most importantly... PERSPECTIVE! My daily co-pilot (Mark Wittman - Neuroblastoma) set's my perspective and starts my day right. I think I face daily challenges with project timelines, deliverables, travel schedules, kids sport schedules, bills, traffic, trains and the lot... Truth is that this is all a drop in the bucket to what these kids face in their daily battle. Cancer doesn't take a day off and that's what will bring me back year after year. I WILL be a part of this until a cure is found. Please support us in our efforts to raise money for funding childhood cancer research.
I understand we all have our causes. We have our own stories and charities to support. All deserving and I know if we were all rich, we could give to each of them. This charity is my focus and if you feel moved to donate, I certainly appreciate your support. If it is a bad time or if this just isn’t your charity, we would greatly appreciate you sharing the word with friends, family, etc…
In loving memory of Markie T Wittman, Jonny Wade, Mr. Bradley, Jimmy "Pop" Gee and celebration of life for Isaac Wargo and Dom Wuertz and all of those who fight the battle each day.
Thank you for your continued support and God bless!
Dan Woelfel