On April 8th, I will be shaving my head to raise money for cancer research. As many of you know, this is a personal cause. In 2010, my dad was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a cancer in the bone marrow. At the time, he was told he had 3 days to live. I arrived at the hospital, at the age of 14, to see my father trapped in a bed, tubes protruding out of his body. He was unable to speak and bore a horrified look in his frozen open eyes. To this day I have no idea whether he recognized me. Fast forward a few years, and the cancer is in remission. My father had a long fight against chemo, dialysis, a stem cell transplant, and the pain-killing drugs to deal with it all. The process took its toll on his body. The muscles he once had were decimated. For too long, the simple task of getting up and going for a quick walk would be a huge chore for the day. My dad worked extremely hard to get back what he had lost. My father is back to doing his favorite things: hiking, working outdoors, walking the dog, and bugging his granddaughter (my niece). My dad loves to take me hiking. His goal is to climb the 46 “high peaks” of the Adirondack Mountains. We have completed 5 of the highest 15, since the cancer has entered remission. I could not be more proud. I ask that you donate to the St. Baldrick’s Foundation for the sake of curing these terrible diseases. Every little bit counts, and I appreciate anything that you can contribute. Thank you!