Cancer sucks! I have some more colorful adjectives concerning how I feel on the matter but I am Trying to keep it PG.
What can I say? My mommy has had breast cancer three times and my father is a shadow himself because of brain cancer.
Don't get me wrong, every extra day I've had with my parents no matter the condition is a gift.
It is for those that have lost loved ones too early that my heart truly hurts. In particular, I think of Khaliya Gosling. A student of mine in Chico who left this world way too early due to leukemia. I gave extra credit that year to students who brought a ziplock bag with one hundred pennies so I could do an isotope lab. Not long after she told the class she had cancer.
To this day I keep her bag of pennies in my desk to remind me that life's troubles are trivial compared to losing a child.
So for the first time in my life I will shave my hair and I know I will cry while it happens. Not for my vanity but rather for the enormity of the cause in which I get to play a small part.