Last year at this time, Sean, looking a lot like Isaac Asimov, shaved his head for charity. At that time, with Bloody Mary firmly in hand, I offered my loving support and vowed to shave my own head the following year.
Guess what, folks? A year's up! It's time to see what these baby blues really look like when offset by nothing more than peach fuzz.
I have been growing my hair for well over a year so there is enough to donate to Locks of Love or one of the many organizations that accept hair for cancer patients, plus plenty to spare for the razor.
Alas, I will not be able to join the fine folks at Boundary Stone on the 13th, but will provide photographic evidence of the big shave when it occurs on or around the first week of April.
Donations of any size are greatly appreciated. Those who are local and donate generously will receive, as a free bonus gift at no cost to you, the opportunity to rub my little bald head for good luck.
Much thanks and gratitude for your kindness!