3/4/16 - Today, I have chosen to honor Delaney Clements, a beautiful 13 year old cancer victim who is now in home hospice. Here beauty and dignity as she faces her own departure from this world is amazing to behold, as is she. Copy and paste the link below into your browser and prepare to be touched in ways you have never expected. St. Baldricks funds research to help find a cure for neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer for which there is currently no cure.
For the past three years, our two young grandchildren shaved their heads at a St. Baldrick's event to raise money for pediatric cancer research to honor friends of theirs who had passed on due to pediatric cancer. For two of those years, their mother and our daughter, Flori Legette, did the same. Flori has been a pediatric oncology nurse at Childrens' Hospital in Denver for many years. We have watched her tearful good-bye's to those she cared for who passed on (St. Baldricks calls them angels, appropriately). We have also watched the love and enormous care she and her colleagues provide to all those they serve. Thanks to successful research, supported by St. Baldricks among others, many, many of those stricken with childhood cancer do recover and survive. St. Baldricks plays a huge role in this success. Please join me by donating to my team in support of this very, very important cause. As a special side benefit, those who do donate will receive a photo of a bald Dan Walkovitz (quite special), who has great hopes that when the hair returns, it will be dark like when I was 30 instead of totally grey as it is now. :)