Apr 17, 2015 • 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Event: Georgetown University School of Medicine
At: Georgetown University School of Medicine
3900 Reservoir Rd. NW , Sellinger Lounge, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC US
Donor List
Back to Fundraising Page$100 - $249
- Anonymous
- Alliance Mortgage Funding
- Arlene Vining
- Diane & Todd Davis
- Kerry, Frank, Kaitlyn and Brianna
- Mrs. Melissa E Gregory In Memory Of Bruce Ward
- Mrs. Shannon Finnegan
$1 - $99
- adrienne P Onder
- John H. Hulse
- Mrs. Linda Gregory
- Mrs. Linda Gregory In Memory Of Bryce Ward
- Sean & Katie Ward In Memory Of Bryce R Ward
- Mrs. Lisa Barthelme
- Gail Kennedy
- Jaycie mcfadyen In Memory Of Gwen Stead, RN
- Lori & Josh
- Mr. Richard W BARTHELME
- Ms. Charlene R Kemmerer In Memory Of Mr. David R Kemmerer
- Ms. Gail N Stenger
- Ms. Jennifer a Hosler
- Ms. Olwyn Marshall
- Suzanne Kinsky
- Anonymous
- Mrs. Beryl Beranek
- Mrs. Gretchen C Falk-Lanfear In Memory Of Mr. Arthur Falk
- Sharyn Warwick
- A Peep
- Currie-Yaccarino family
- Ms. Anne W Lehman In Memory Of Bryce R Ward
- Mrs. Lee A Scheibelein
- Ms. Megan J Trawick