Mar 14, 2015 • 11:30 am - 9:00 pm
Event: Village of Romeo
At: Village of Romeo
269 E.Washington Street, Romeo Lions Field House, Romeo, MI US
Donor List
Back to Fundraising Page$500 - $999
- Wachlarz Invitational - Bowling for Giggles
$250 - $499
- Anonymous
- Mr. Thomas J Versosky
- Penny and Brian Denomme
$100 - $249
- Your Mom & Dad In Memory Of Your Proud Grandpa ('G')
- The Geller Family In Honor Of Ms. Stella Rocchini
- Your supporters at the event In Memory Of Donald Austin
- Anonymous
- Dan Brinker In Memory Of Don Austin
- Joel Totoro
- Linda Barnes Bernard and associates
- Mike and Kathy Lee
- Mr. David R Bernier
- Mr. Jared T Jacobs
- Mr. Nick Stojanovski
- Mrs. Paula M Nix
- Ms. Linda M Danhausen
- Radu and Adriana Comsa
$1 - $99
- Anonymous
- Mr & Mrs Richard Wolfe
- Nada Bakri
- David and Rani Kwiecinski
- Mrs. Jacqueline L Bates
- Mrs. Mary Alley
- Shannon Despic & Family
- Evie and Joost's mom In Memory Of my dad Arthur
- AW
- Scott Austin & family In Memory Of Donald Austin
- Todd D McCall
- John VanMaele
- Mr. John D Wilkerson
- Mr. Troy R Witkowski In Memory Of Mr. Gary S Witkowski
- Bella Comsa
- Denny & Jen Kowalak In Memory Of Chase Bednarz
- Mr. John J Rembisz