I've never met Superman Sam (http://supermansamuel.blogspot.com/). I've only met his parents, Rabbis Phyllis (@imabima) and Michael Sommer (@Abba_Sababa), a few times. They are colleagues and fellow parents whose sense of humor I appreciate and twitter presence I follow. I have ached at the journey their family has been on - admired Sam's courage and cried at his fears. I wish that there was some way that I could give him strength other than the occasional comment on his blog. The sad fact is that there is little that I can do to fight the cancer in his body, little hope I can provide for him or his family. Phyllis and our mutual friend, Rabbi Rebecca Einstein Schorr have come up with something that we can do - if not to help Sam, then to help others who will hopefully never have to go through what he is suffering. #36rabbis are going to shave their heads at the CCAR Convention this March in Chicago, not only to raise money from their extended circles for childhood cancer research, but to raise awareness as well - that there are not nearly enough resources dedicated to researching and fighting childhood cancers and cancer in children. The hope is that the image of 36 bald male and female rabbis will stand out enough so that people will pay attention, that grants will be given, funds will be allocated, and researchers will be able to focus not only on adults, but also the unique needs of children battling cancer.
You can help - certainly, you can donate to help us reach our goals. More importantly, you can spread the message. We need to help children beyond fulfilling their last wishes, by making sure they can keep dreaming. Signing on means that you care and the more who do, the more who will stand up for this important cause, the more likely that change will happen.
I'm shaving my head for that - so that when you see me and ask, "Where is your hair?" I can answer that it went to make a difference.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Please support me with a donation to the St. Baldrick's Foundation. This volunteer-driven charity funds more in childhood cancer research grants than any organization except the U.S. government.
Your gift will give hope to infants, children, teens and young adults fighting childhood cancers. So when I ask for your support, I'm really asking you to support these kids. Thank you!
Click "Make a donation" to give online, or donate by phone or mail.