Hello. Have you ever met anyone that had cancer? If so read on....
This will be my fourth year shaving my head for St. Baldrick's. People often look at me funny as the year goes on because my hair keeps getting longer and curlier and honestly more terrible looking. Do I do it because I like to look like a shaggy dog? Nope. Do I do it because I'm too lazy to get it cut? Nope. I do it because I am afraid. I'm afraid cancer will strike closer to home than it already has. I want a cure if myself, my wife, or one of my daughters need it. I want a cure if one of my friends or their children need it. Obviously nobody wants a member of their family to be diagnosed with cancer yet we just let the years go by and *hope* that they don't get "the news". I like to be more proactive about it. I am trying to help stop cancer before it turns my or someone I care for's world around. I want a cure and the only way I can actively help is to raise funds so those in research and development of treatments and cures can have funds to keep up the fight to end cancer. Everyone knows the feeling when they hear that someone they love has a diagnosis of cancer- "Oh that's too bad." or "That's terrible." or "Let me know what I can do to help." We rally around the person, show support, have benefits to help out with medical costs, and do other wonderful things to help the person and the family however all those gestures are simply putting a Band-Aid on that person's situation. Donating to cancer research is a proactive thing you can do to help end cancer once and for all- and how wonderful it is to be able to tell someone battling this insidious disease "I'm fighting with you, fighting for you. I made a choice to donate in your honor to help find a cure." We already have treatments for cancer. We are in need of a cure. Be a hero and help me raise money for a cure. Thank you.