Hey There,
You may or may not have heard but my hair is pretty darn luscious. People always stop me on the street and ask "Weren't you in that men's shampoo commercial?” Sometimes they even rub their hands through it so they can experience what it’s like to run through a wheat field made of silk.
This year I've decided to put my luscious hair to good use by participating in the St. Baldrick’s Foundation event to raise money to Eliminate Childhood CANCER. Each year, as part of the fundraiser, individuals commit to raising money through friends, family, and co-workers with a promise to shave their heads in a local event committed to raising funds for childhood cancer research. This year, I've committed to raising at least $1500.00 for cancer research and shave my head at an event in Denver, CO.
I'd really like your help in achieving this goal. Adult research gets a majority of support and funding and because of this current cancer prevention and recovery tactics are often too harmful and dangerous for children. These tactics can often lead to harsh treatments and programs that negatively affect children’s development even if they're lucky enough to successfully fight the cancer.
Throughout our day, we find money slipping away on coffee at Starbucks, an ITunes purchase or even a spree at Target but donating to St Baldricks and children’s cancer research isn't money slipping away but an investment in our children and their future. St Baldrick's funds more in childhood cancer research grants than any other organization except the U.S government. Your gift will give hope to infants, children, teens and young adults fighting childhood cancers. So when I ask for your support, I'm really asking you to support these kids.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I really hope I can count on you and I'm more than happy to send you a photo of my newly shaven head and the kids you've supported through your donation. You can donate below at my donation webpage, write me a check or hand me cash.