Its always unfortunate when someone gets cancer, but a child getting cancer is downright tragic. It's not fair. A child, an innocent, someone who has never harmed themselves or anyone else in their short life doesn't deserve cancer. (like anyone "deserves" it, right?) So often cancer tries to steal our children away from us before they've ever had a chance to live and experience the beauty that Life has to offer.
But cancer does not discriminate. In fact, it could just be waiting until you've come of age. We've all heard that "runs in the family" line before, and it's true. My wife and I have recently learned first hand, that on a genetic level, some people seem as though they are "destined" to get some form of cancer in their life and sometimes you need to resort to what some would call "drastic" measures to insure that you don't get what "runs in the family". A person can lead a clean & healthy life, but by no fault of their own, a person's genetics will dictate what they are predisposed to and their chances of getting cancer.
Jen and I have specific forms of cancer with high probability rates that "run" in our family blood lines. There's nothing we can do about that. It's in our genes and these are traits that we have passed on to our children. All we can do is try to prevent our getting cancer by listening to our doctors, and more importantly, learn from our loved ones that have been touched by cancer's icy hand.
St. Baldricks' mission is to fund treatment and research for children with cancer. I believe that research for children's cancer is research that can benefit everyone. I am shaving my head so I can be a representative for my family and friends that have been affected by cancer in the past and the present. I'm also doing it to help my family and friends get the care they'd need in the future.
I'm asking all of my friends and family to contribute to St. Baldricks' noble cause by opening your hearts. Open your hearts by opening your wallets and donating. No amount is too small and is tremendously appreciated by every person with cancer that wants nothing more than to see another day. My goal is to raise at least $1000 by March 2nd. With recent discoveries and an even more recent diagnosis, cancer is ever present among my friends & family and I just can't ignore it anymore. It's time for me to take an active role in helping St. Baldricks with their cause.
Sauvons les toton!