Sooo I first heard about St. Baldricks through chalking at the University of Virginia (students are allowed to advertise events/campaigns by writing with chalk on the sidewalks). At a first glance, I thought the slogan was neat: Be brave. Go Bald. But, you know, I hesitated and decided I was already engaged in cancer awareness through Locks of Love. ...and then Anh Pham sent a link around to her St. Baldricks profile. I had met her through PAFN at UVa last semester, and was inspired by her story on her St. Baldricks page.
**Click "more" below to read the rest of my message**
More so, I was inspired by her willingness to go bald - as a girl - for cancer. Now it's a Sunday morning, and I'm ...registered. I haven't called my parents yet, and I'm not quite sure how they'll react, honestly haha. We'll find out!
As for what YOU can do, you can join me! I'd love nothing more than to have actual support in this cause. I'm nervous, not gonna lie. This'll be something that I'm stepping way out of my comfort zone to do. With friends and family who'll be by my side, I'll feel encouraged and even more excited to do this!
Otherwise, there's also a link to donate towards other people affected by cancer. I've set my goal to $100, but who knows what'll happen.
Either way, thank you for taking the time to read my page. Thank you for taking the time to consider making a difference, be it by actually shaving your head with me :) or by making a financial contribution.