Hi there and welcome to the Swiss Tony St Baldricks website.
A year ago, watching a couple of mates having their heads shaved for St Baldricks an idea dawned that I could again try and do something for this wonderful charity. That was the evening that the "From now 'til then" challenge was born.
I, too, had my head shaved and my hair has seen neither blade nor trimmer since.
The intent was to take a new spin on the St Baldricks theme and have friends, family and colleagues donate for me to grow my hair for a period of a year.....and then have it all cut off.
The choice of year was fortunate in that it is a Leap Year :-)
One thing I have come to learn is that as I near 40, my hair does not quite grow in the abundance that it used to. Happy to say, though, that I do have plenty that will fall to the floor.....but I want to keep the 'burns' :-)
On a more serious note cancer, for me, has always been something that happens to other people. I was always distantly removed from anyone who had suffered from or experienced it.
That was, until June 2011, when I received news that my father had just passed away from the disease. It also came to light that, unbeknownst to me, a few friends have battled and survived cancer, but carry on with their lives and don't make a big thing of it. They just treat every new day as a gift.
Suddenly it hit home that it is not something that does not affect me, but rather something that we all need to be conscious of.
This is my second shaving for St Baldricks and I would like to dedicate it to my dad as well as everyone I know that has experienced the threat or fear of cancer either themselves or through others.
This is a chance to make a difference and while my part is only small, every major accomplishment stems from attaining one small goal at a time.
Thank you all for visiting the site and I hope that we can make a difference for someone else, today.
Swiss Tony