My life has been forever altered by cancer. In the span of a week in 2006 I found out that my wife, mother, and grandfather all had various forms of cancer - about a month after I found out that my father-in-law was diagnosed as terminal with cancer.
Going through surgeries, doctors appointments, updates - hoping the news was going to get better - and ultimately watching my father-in-law lose the battle with cancer had a profound effect on me. I can't imagine what it would be like for parents to watch their children go through the horrors of it all.
So I do what I can. And in the grand scheme of things, going bald in honor of those fighting this horrible disease, raising the money I can in hopes of scientists finding a breakthrough, or the less fortunate getting the screening they need, or families having access to the treatments that save lives, is the least I can do.
So join me in being a shavee in honor of those who continue to fight, who continue to hope, or to honor those that lost the battle. If the bald look doesn't go with your current lifestyle, then please donate - every little bit helps. I know these are tough times financially, but even if it's only a dollar, it all helps.
Mike and Team Attack! Cancer