Our friend Kyle was only 11 years old when he died of cancer in 2003.Our dad was a pallbearer. We always looked up to Kyle and when we shaved our heads for the first time we couldn't wait to go show him. We really miss him! Now he sees us ,just from heaven .Then there was a little girl named Lori Shields . Our mom tells us about her and her family all the time . Mom was 12 when Lori died. Lori was only 3 , she died in our grandmothers arms .There were allot of hearts broken that day. Brooke Clemons just turned 7 in 2006 when she died of cancer . Talk about cute , she always made us smile, she still does .Our hearts just hurt too.Evan Gates went to our school then when he went onto high school he got cancer and now he's in heaven too. Forest Rents was a twin like we are only his twin is sister, We know she misses him. Sammy Pardue another cute little boy,Mariam ,Lauren , Kyle (Iowa) too many kids. If shaving our heads can help prevent any more kids we know from dying of cancer then we are glad we have the opportunity to do it.Oh yeah , we do have great friends that have fought childhood cancer and we still get to see. Emily Perrin , Jamie Deibel, Connor Minogue.Please help us honor them ,they know allot more kids with cancer, they don't need anymore heartbreaks. Oh and if you could please pray for our Uncle David Kenney ,he has stage 4 colon cancer .Uncle Judson Croome is battling thyroid cancer. They are like kids sometimes,just older!Thank You!