Well...yesterday was the day and I have to say, it feels mighty weird in a good sort of way to have had my head shaved! I've had several people say already that at least I have a 'nice head' for being bald. Thank You....but I do prefer to have hair...so, I will gorw it back out and maybe do this again next year. I didn't reach my personal goal but I think I may have set it too high. The 96 Rock Team, however, far exceeded their goal, so, I'm very thankful for that and it was great seeing many of the 96 Rock guys out there during the event. Thanks to Salt for being the emcee while I was getting my hair cut and for muddling through my poor handwriting! He actually made my 'profile' sound better than I had written it! Oh, and before I forget...while this was really 'out of my comfort zone', this was a walk in the park for me compared to the LADY who was in front of me in line who decided AT THE EVENT to get her head shaved, and she had some hair I tell ya. I don't know who she was, but whoever you are, you are one gutsy gal!