Why am I shaving my head, and why should you care? Here Goes: I have twins that are 11 going on 35. When they were born, our new family was adopted into the large community of
Twin Families in San Antonio. One of those welcoming families had boy / girl twins like my own. Unlike my own, the boy developed cancer. His name was Luke Baca and he lived like there was no tomorrow.
He passed away 8/2/2023.
Over the years, lots of folks have joined together to raise money through St Baldricks on the Team LukeStrong - including many twin dads like me!
In the United States, 1 out of every 5 kids that are diagnosed with cancer won’t survive into their teens? For those that do, more than 96% will develop severe health issues before they turn 50. Many never do.
With each shaved head, dollar raised, and research study funded we are creating ripples of Hope for kids with cancer and their families.
Your gift directly supports some of the most promising, most effective research in the nation, through the largest charity funder of childhood cancer research grants:
The St. Baldrick’s Foundation.
Thank you for your support!