Last year, I put my facial hair on the chopping block for the second time and with the support of friends, family and total strangers, raised money towards childhood cancer research through the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. With your help, on February 23rd I will be walking away from the stage feeling the wind on my chin.
For those of you who do not know my son River's story, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma at the age of two and a half in November 2014. Treatment took him from his home town of San Antonio, to Fort Worth and eventually to New York City.
In early 2017, River's journey had taken a turn in its ever-winding path that his mom and I wish we would never have to take. In February, after spending over 40 straight days in the hospital, we decided that palliative care would be the best direction to take River's treatment. River continued after that day shaving his daddy's beard to enjoy the months of spring in the comfort of his own home, surrounded by his family. He played outside on his good days and slept in his own bed on the bad ones.
On the morning of June 15th, 2017, in his mother's arms and in the comfort of his own home, River earned his wings and went to join the company of other children who have passed on before their time. River's story is unfortunately one of many that happen every year. The reality we must face is that funding for research and development of treatments for childhood cancer is inadequate at best. The St. Baldrick's foundation is the best hope children have as funding is specifically targeted at research and development of cancer treatments.
This year will be my third year shaving and in doing so, am honored to be earning the title of ‘Squire of Hope’ and have set my funding goal at $2500. For the second year in a row, Sparrow, River’s little sister, will be the one with clippers in hand. No contribution is too small, and every little bit helps me get closer to that clean shave.