I'm shaving my head with St. Baldrick's "Team Jackson"...
"Team Jackson" was named for a young boy, Jackson Schmitt, who passed away in July 2019, after only 6 days of being diagnosed with cancer. This money will help with the needed research for osteosarcoma (Jackson's type of illness). Jackson was a caring young man even shaving his head in support of others that were sick; he was a caring person and tried to comfort others.
This should not happen to anyone, let alone children. Jackson left behind his Mom/Carrie, Dad/Mike, and Younger Brother/Ivan. In May I decided to participate with the December St. Baldrick's Group Shave, but that changed after the IKAGG-St. Louis Family met Mike & Carrie and shared their story. What set's this event apart from others like this, is that if you raise of $10K as a group, you can direct where those funds go for research; Mike & Carrie are directing the funds raised by this event to research more about Osteosarcoma . We all know Cancer Sucks, but a Child with Cancer is devastating to the entire family, classmates, and anyone the child has contact with.
Please help me help Mike & Carrie reach their goal; to raise money and help conquer kids' cancers! Every 2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer worldwide, and 1 in 5 of those in the U.S. will not survive.
Watch Jackson's Mom Tell The Story In Hear Words hosted by John Burns or New Heights 360
Now I need your support! Your donation can fund research to help kids survive and thrive. Join me today and let’s #DFYchildhoodCancers together.