Participant 1033958

Tara Sanchez Before

Tara Sanchez

shaved to cure childhood cancers!

Apr 25, 2019 • 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Event: St. Baldricks College of Western Idaho - Nampa

At: NCAB Student life center

5500 E Achievement Drive , Nampa, ID US

Conquer Kids' Cancer



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Participant 1033958

Participant 1033958

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$ 112
  • GOAL 100 $

Every 2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer. Help me fund the research that will save their lives!



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$100 GOAL

(888) 899-2253

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Participant 1033958

Celebrating 25 Years

St. Baldrick’s started as a grassroots effort 25 years ago, driven by people who believe in helping kids with cancer.

National Partner

I shaved to raise money for childhood cancer research with: Brave Beckham DIPG Warriors!

Apr 25, 2019 • 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Event: St. Baldricks College of Western Idaho - Nampa

At: NCAB Student life center

5500 E Achievement Drive , Nampa, ID US

I shaved to raise money for childhood cancer research with: Brave Beckham DIPG Warriors!

I'm shaving my head to raise money for childhood cancer research! Did you know that kids' cancers are different from adult cancers? It's true. And childhood cancer research is extremely underfunded. So I decided to do something about it by raising money for cures. Now I need your help! Will you make a donation? Every dollar makes a difference for the thousands of infants, children, teens, and young adults fighting childhood cancers. I’m shaving my head in honor of Beckham! MEET BECKHAM!! Beckham Bradly Hoagland-Bice was born on a warm, sunny day; 5:30 pm, June 28th, 2010 at St Lukes Hospital in Meridian, Idaho. He came 2 weeks early and was a healthy, beautiful baby boy with a head full of curly brown hair. Weighing 7 lbs 11 ounces, 21 inches long. Beckham is currently 8 years old, and in the 3rd grade at Melba Elementary School. He enjoys recess, lunch, and socializing with his friends. His best skills in school are reading and math. He also is very good at drawing and writing in his journals. He LOVES the outdoors. He loves his family, little brother, and Jesus more than anything. One of Beckham’s many talents is his knowledge with Dinosaurs. He know’s everything about dinosaurs and is extremely intelligent. He want’s to be a paleontologist and a race-car driver when he grows up. He loves riding his bike and going on walks. Beckham’s favorite color is Red and Blue. His favorite tv shows are: Power Rangers, How to train your dragon, Transformer Rescue Bots, and Ninjago. He loves superheros and dresses up in different costumes all the time. Beckham loves riding his dirtbike, snowmobiling, camping, fishing, swimming, etc. He is a VERY active boy. Beckham loves making other people feel good and has always been a social butterfly. He love’s playing out at our farm, chasing the dogs, feeding the calves, and riding in the tractors. Beckham’s smile is contagious and has his entire family wrapped around his finger. He has always been such a special boy. He was the first grand-baby born into both sides of the family so he is just adored by so many! EARLY SYMPTOMS PRIOR DIAGNOSIS October 31st 2017, Beckham’s favorite holiday ever, he was dressed up ready to go trick or treating in his awesome red power ranger costume. We were all ready to head down to the church for a trunk or treat when I noticed his left eye was wandering to the right. Instantly my mommy instincts kicked in and I googled what this could be. The word “tumor” kept popping up and somehow I just knew. Of course I doubted myself thinking I was overreacting so I called the after hour nurses in tears explaining his sudden eye crossing. They asked if he was limping or slurring his words at all which he wasn’t. Other than the crossed eye he was as perfect and normal as ever. They recommend making an appointment with his pediatrician that following week . Nobody seemed concerned and assumed it was a vision problem that could be fixed with glasses. We went in that Monday to meet with his Dr. Aguilar in Nampa, Idaho. He did a physical and watched his eyes for a long time, he ended up referring us to a Pediatric eye specialist in Boise, Idaho and said he had seen a lot of children with this problem and glasses could most likely fix his crossed eye. Beckham’s eye would only cross every so often, it wasn’t consistent. The specialist in Boise was booked out until May of 2018 even with a doctors referral so I began calling around to find someone else. We found a place that next week in Star, Idaho that could do an eye examination. Dr. Graviet was amazing and ran so many tests on sweet Beckham that day, he recommended glasses because Beckham wasn't having any other symptoms at the time of limping or other side effects that could mean it was something more serious. I scheduled another pediatric appointment to find a good eye doctor that wasn't booked out as far.Throughout those few weeks of struggling to pin point the problem with Beckham’s vision my mommy instincts were still kicking in telling me it was something more than just a weak eye. EMERGENCY ROOM November 24th 2017, We were surrounded by family enjoying Thanksgiving dinner at our Grandma Johansen’s house. Up until this day everything was normal, Beckham was 100% himself on a daily basis. This day, Beckham’s energy was very low. I noticed a little limp in his step and a slur in his speech. He had dark circles underneath his eyes. I remember the feeling of absolute fear striking into my heart. I was convinced this was nothing to do with his eye now. I was done with this waiting game and ignoring my motherly instincts screaming inside my soul to get an ANSWER! SOMETHING WAS WRONG! We ended up taking him into the Emergency Room at St Lukes Boise. It was a blessing that they were able to perform an MRI on him that day because of the holiday usually they don’t have a radiologist on call. I remember them checking him in, we went back to a room and I met the on call nurse. She was an old friend of mine and so very kind. She brought Beckham a teddy bear and a gown to change into. They asked if I would be willing to go into the MRI room with him while they did a scan, without hesitation I changed into a gown and laid with my baby on that hospital bed. They gave him an IV so that they could insert the contrast during the MRI. Beckham has the biggest fear of needles and it was hard. He cried and didn’t understand what was going on, none of us did or expected it to be serious so we just made it fun and put on some youtube videos while we waited for the radiologist to take us back. It felt like hours...we finally were able to go back into the most freezing room ever to get his MRI done. That machine scared me, it was so loud. They gave him a headset to watch Ratatouill. They gave me a blanket and some magazine I never touched. I sat on a chair trying to not overthink what was happening. The MRI was supposed to be bout 30 minutes max. It ended up being over an hour. Something was defiantly not right. He was a trooper and did awesome during the MRI, we went back to the waiting room and waited for what seemed like days. My sweet friend Brianna (the nurse) came in with the on call ER doctor. She was holding a box of husband grabbed my hand and I fell to the floor on my knees when I heard what the doctor had to say. “I’m so sorry. Your son has a very large, swollen tumor, 4 1/2 cm around his brain stem. I’ve never seen anything like this and I don’t know if its cancerous or not, but the location of the tumor is in the worst possible place.” I was told to schedule an appointment with MSTI Pediatrics in St Lukes Boise that following Monday. I had to wait the whole weekend having no idea that my entire world was about to be turned upside down. I never looked at Beckham the same again. I remember the anxiety, pain, and fear I felt those few days... I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. My job is to protect this child from everything and anything, I swore I would never let him down. I felt like I had failed. DIPG DIAGNOSIS On November 25th, 2017 Beckham was diagnosed with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma. DIPG, the world’s most aggressive-devastating pediatric brain cancer. It is inoperable and basically gives your child a death sentence of 3-9 months. DIPG is a brain tumor found in a part of the brain stem called the pons. The pons controls essential bodily functions such as heartbeat, breathing, swallowing, eye movement, eyesight, and balance. Approximately 200-400 children in the US are diagnosed with DIPG each year. These children are typically between the ages of 4 and 11. DIPG is an aggressive tumor that interferes with all bodily functions, depriving a child of the ability to move, to communicate, and even to eat and drink. As a DIPG tumor begins to grow, it puts pressure on the nerves that control the essential bodily functions regulated by the pons. Basically it’s every parent’s ultimate worst nightmare. I still to this day can’t believe that there is no hope, I hold onto the fact that God has performed miracles and I am on my knees every waking second of the day begging him to give Beckham a miracle. I pray that the doctors will find a cure for these children. We must be the voice for these children. I remember texting all my family telling them to meet me at my parents house and that it was an emergency. As I explained hysterically crying that this was terminal and basically no child has ever survived longer than a few years that my son, their nephew, grandson, cousin, bestfriend, had a freaking TUMOR in his felt as if everybody in that room was diagnosed with cancer alongside Beckham. Our hearts were shattered. We all got down on our knees and prayed harder than ever for a miracle. TREATMENT FOR BECKHAM: Radiation is part of the standard course of treatment for DIPG patients, as it is the only form of treatment that has proven benefits. For roughly 70% of DIPG patients, radiation causes the tumor to shrink, which provides relief from many of the symptoms associated with DIPG. The benefits of radiation, however, are only temporary. Even for those patients whose tumors shrink during radiation, the treatment does not increase their chances of survival, and the tumor begins to grow again within months. Because DIPG patients who do not undergo radiation have a median survival length of roughly 5 months, radiation therapy typically extends a patient’s life by about 3 months. Radiation was like a blur. 30 days came and went so fast, Monday-Friday we went to St Lukes Boise MSTI for radiation treatments. I quit my job and my husband took a 4 week leave. We live out in the country so it was quite the commute. We would spend the entire day in Boise and came home exhausted emotionally and physically. They started Beckham on an extrememly high dose of steroids because around the tumor was very swollen. His tumor was twice as big as most DIPG children, he was a walking miracle. They recommended he dropped out of school because of the extreme fatigue. Beckham had 2 additional doctor’s appointments every week and Physical therapy twice a month. The steroids made him gain close to 20 pounds. We had to buy a bunch of sweat pants because none of his clothes fit. He hated going to the doctors and it was a fight almost every single day. MSTI’s staff and doctors were incredible, they made a chart for beckham to cross off every day of treatments and always had gifts for him. They played Alvin and the Chipmunks everyday while he was doing his radiation treatments. He was tough and stayed still so we didn't have to sedate him. Towards the end of radiation his mask was extremely tight on his face and uncomfortable. It was a sad day when radiation finished, I knew it was the only treatment they had available for his tumor. Then the waiting game began. HONEYMOON PERIOD/FIRST MRI SCAN We had to wait 4-6 weeks to be able to perform his next MRI. This is called part of the “honeymoon” period. A lot of children aren’t fortunate to have this honeymoon so we made every day as memorable and special as possible. Beckham was able to come off his steroids and loose most of the weight he gained. It took about 3 weeks for Beckham to return to his normal self due to post swelling of radiation. His eyes weren't crossing anymore and we were full of hope that his tumor had been completely shrunk. We began reading the scriptures and teaching Beckham all about heaven and Jesus. We never told him he had terminal cancer. We just explained that he was sick and had a “booger” in his head that we were trying to get rid of! He always told us “Mom! It’s gone! I promise I don’t ever have headaches anymore.” He always knew how to make me feel comforted. He was truly the biggest trooper and so strong and so brave! He had multiple fundraiser put on by his school and the entire Nampa, Melba community. They let him drive a firetruck with santa during Christmas, he was granted a wish through Make a Wish, he was on the news all the time for fun things people did for him, Paleontologists sent him real dinosaur fossils, The actual red ranger sent him a signed photograph, he had friends over everyday, he slowly began living the life he has always dreamed of, because realistically he probably wouldn’t ever get the chance to do most of the things he wanted to do. February 14th, 2018 we had Beckhams second MRI done to see if the radiation had done anything for the tumor. We had all literally convinced ourselves that it was gone! Because of how well he was doing. Sadly, it was still there. BUT the radiation had done its job and shrunk the tumor from 4.4x2.7x3.4 cm to 3.2.2x2.7 cm. His tumor was stable. The doctors were extremely pleased and excited with the improvement. Usually this tumor is so aggressive that they don’t see any shrinkage or more growth. The next step was that Thursday the tumor board would get together and go over his scans, deciding what our options would be. Our entire family came to the meeting and we were given a couple options. Either to do a trial that has never worked or do a port and give him Avastin every other week for two hours which has never been proven successful. We are researching like never before trying to find peace with our next step we take. As of now, We feel peace with no biopsy or experimental treatments. Quality of life is more important to us and Beckham. He wouldn’t do well in a hospital bed, unable to coordinate (which would happen if we took the biopsy and treatment steps). TAKING IT DAY BY DAY As of today 08/08/2018; We have performed 4 MRI’s. They have all been stable, Beckham has beaten the odds so far with DIPG statistics. He is doing better than 95% of DIPG children at this stage of diagnosis. We are praying that his tumor stays stable for as long as possible but we are preparing for whats to come. The odds are not in our favor and tragically nobody has ever survived past 5 years with DIPG. Our entire world has been turned upside down. I haven’t been able to look at my sweet boy the same, I treasure every moment we have with him like never before. We live in a constant fear for whats to come but we have faith and believe in the power of prayer that he will be healed. It’s truly an emotional rollercoaster everyday, we never let him see us sad. We put on a smile and laugh even if we feel like kicking and screaming. We have tried to make life as normal as possible even though it’s extremely difficult when thing’s are SO different. But Beckham Craves “normality”. I quit my job and have been taking care of him 24 hours of the day along with our toddler Brody who turns 3 September 5th 2018. The hardest part is not being able to do anything, having doctor after doctor tell us to just take him home and enjoy these last days we have. We have had an amazing support system and are eternally grateful for each and every one of you for helping Beckham get through this. We are 10 months past diagnosis and I feel like the days come and go so fast. The more I research the less hope I have, the more my heart breaks, seeing 100’s of beautiful children gaining their angel wings because of this monster. As hard as this has been I have to Trust in the Lord and know Beckham is in God’s hands and be grateful for the time we have been given with him over these last 8 years. I am eternally grateful Heavenely Father chose ME to be his mother. I will be his voice and we will fight this til the end and never talk a day for granted. AWARENESS There are about 300 new cases of DIPG diagnosed each year. Each of those new cases represents a devastated family struggling to find a cure for their child, but the odds are against them. DIPG is one of the most underfunded of all pediatric brain tumors. There have been no advances in the treatment of this tumor in the past 50 years. This HAS to change. Beckham doesn't deserve this, no child deserves this. My heart breaks everyday as i see a new child pass away. Every single day at least one child is either taking a turn for the worse or just being diagnosed with DIPG. It’s real, I never thought I would be one of “those” moms with a child who has cancer. It can happen to anybody. I believe the reason Beckham is doing so well and is with us still is because of the power of prayer. God is with us, don’t give up, believe in his plan. Love, Allison Hoagland (Beckhams mommy) If you took the time to read this please share my babies story and like his page to Follow and support Beckham through this scary journey ahead to bring awareness!

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St. Baldrick’s Honored Kids

Kids with cancer are our reason for it all. They’re the inspiration behind our event and the reason we’re helping fund childhood cancer research. We believe all kids should be able to grow up and turn their dreams into realities. Join our event or make a donation, and click the photos below to read their incredible stories.

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  1. Tara Lake 4/28/2019
  2. Stephanie Garza 4/25/2019
  3. Tara Sanchez 4/25/2019
  4. Amanda Young 4/12/2019

Celebrating 25 Years

St. Baldrick’s started as a grassroots effort 25 years ago, driven by people who believe in helping kids with cancer.

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