I am doing this to raise awareness and money for pediatric cancer research. I have lost my loving 3 year old daughter to cancer in 09. Her type of cancer is pretty rare and extremely difficult to treat. Pharmaceutical and drug companies don't research and produce treatments because only 600 kids a year are newly diagnosed with this type of cancer. Why would they want to spend millions of dollars on research for only 600 new customers a year? Money makes the world go round. If these top companies can't afford to come up with new treatments, then who will? We will! With all of the funding raised it will go directly to pediatric cancer research. Everybody here is joining efforts to raise money for this cause. If I knew that if i could give every last dollar that i have to just save only one life, I would be the happiest poor man alive. Watching my daughter battle this disease first hand, I know for a fact that no parent would want to be in my shoes. You don't have to have a sick child to be aware of these things. Unfortunately, it took me having a sick child to be aware of this! I am commited from this day on to the day I die to support pediatric cancer. God bless you Madisyn, I will always miss and love you. Hope to see you soon!