Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for your consideration in donating to help fund childhood cancer research. I really appreciate any time or donation you contribute.
Please come down to D&B's to join me at this event as a volunteer or a shavee! (click the "Join Me" button on this page)
3-23-18 Update: Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far. It's been less than 24 hours since launching this site and together we have raised almost $1000! You have all been amazingly generous! I will raise the goal to $1500 keep the momentum going. Thank you all again.
3-25-18 Update: You all are super awesome! We just exceeded the upped goal set a few days ago. I am so humbled and blessed to be surrounded by such caring and giving friends and family. I will raise the goal to $2000 to keep us moving forward. Thank you so much again.
4-19-18 Update: Thank you again for all your support and very generous donations! We made it past the $2000 mark. Only a few more days to go and looking forward to the day of. Come join us in person if you have time. The HECO team is scheduled to go on at around 2:15pm and 2:30pm.
Thank you!