I was never fortunate enough to meet the two young men I am honoring with this event, but I have met their family and friends. To say I am inspired by their courage and passion is beyond an understatement. Knowing that this is such a large world, where we see all sorts of negativity, social media is filled with ugliness, and people find any way possible to be mean to one another and in all of that, but among all of that darkness, God introduces you to the Ungerer family and the Abbott family (among thousands of others) shining light into this world from what I can only imagine is truly one of the darkest places any of us can go. Please take some time to consider donating to this cause, this fight, and spread even more light.
#bepositive #bekind #LukesArmy
I'm shaving my head with St. Baldrick's to raise money and help conquer kids' cancers! Every 2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer worldwide, and 1 in 5 of those in the U. S. will not survive. I refuse to accept this reality, so I’ve decided to fundraise for lifesaving research to find cures and better treatments for kids. Now I need your support! Your donation can fund research to help kids survive and thrive. Join me today and let's #DFYchildhoodCancers together.