Hi, folks!
I'm shaving my head. I've no doubt many of you wished I'd have done this 5 years ago when I was sporting the dreadlocks, but better late than never, right?
I could wax poetic about the evils and perils of cancer, about how it's become ubiquitous, about the number of families and lives it's devastated, but... sadly, we are all far too familiar with these facts. I don't know anyone who's not been touched by cancer in some capacity, do you?
Normally, when it comes to charities, my M.O. is to volunteer my time. However, none of my merits or talents are particularly applicable to cancer research, so I've decided to lop off my hair instead. I'll (hopefully) donate what's cut off and collect some funds from the people in my life who will then get their jollies from laughing at my bald noggin. Simple enough, right?
A buck or two CAN make a difference. Even if you're not big on the whole philanthropy thing, or if you don't like kids, it'll probably be worth $5 to see me bald, right? Right!