I'm shaving my head to raise money for childhood cancer research!
My inspiration for participating in this cause comes from my cousin Crystal and her daughter, Xzylie, who was diagnosed at 18 months old with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-Cell) in August 2016. At the time we received news of Xzylie’s diagnosis, my wife was four months pregnant, so naturally I thought about how things would be if my family were in their shoes. I tried to wrap my head around the situation, thinking if it was our own son who was sick and how we’d manage as parents. But I just couldn’t fathom what she was going through, let alone how her daughter was feeling and what she would need to endure the following months.
As parents, we try to do what we can to keep our children healthy and happy. We do our best to give them the world and protect them from any harm. But over time, you come to realize there are just some things out of your control and as parents you’ve got to learn how to best deal with them. Crystal, Xzylie and her father, Andrew, continue to tackle what life keeps throwing at them with nothing more than love, faith, and a constant positive attitude. As a family, they grow stronger day by day and their love, faith and attitude have been contagious as people around them continue to provide just as much encouragement and support.
They reside in Hawaii, but our love and support is always with them. This event is just another way to remind them, and the many others fighting the same battle, that they’re surrounded by people who want to do their small part in finding an end to this fight against cancer. It’s also a way for us to thank them for digging deep and choosing to fight with such grace and positivity, being great role models for other families who may find themselves later fighting the same battle. Please join me and contribute to this worthy cause, as we all would love to see these children and their families come out victorious once and for all!