Why am I shaving my head, and why should you care?
Let me explain.
As in every two minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer. Most of those "two minutes" pass us by, leaving us unaffected.
Some do not.
Some hit us right between the eyes, grab us, and scream at us "this time it's personal."
Sometimes its someone we love.
Whether they are friends, or family, or we just consider them family. It's when their "two minutes" comes around that we realize how important this fight is.
For my before picture this year I picked a picture of myself at Disney World this year. I chose it for one simple reason. Being there in the magical place, and I love seeing the children around me enjoying the magic. That is the stuff childhood should be made of. But every "two minutes," someone's childhood changes. It reminds me to keep in my prayers those parents and grandparents dealing with less fortunate circumstances. Doing this shave each year reminds me to be thankful that my own circumstances never included those "two minutes."
Now, I need your help! Will you make a donation? Every dollar provides research into cures that will make a difference for the thousands of infants, children, teens, and young adults currently fighting childhood cancers, and for those who are starting their fight now, or in the next two minutes, or the next two, or the next two...
Let's end this.
Each shaved head, every dollar donated, creates a ripple effect of progress for kids with cancer.
Your gift will give kids and their families hope, supporting the best research across the country, through the largest charity funder of childhood cancer research grants, the St. Baldrick’s Foundation.
Together, let’s give these kids the lifetime they deserve. Thank you for your support!