Having my boys truly changed my life. Watching Henry mature into a wonderfully responsible, loving big brother over the last year has been such a blessing. He insists on walking Charlie to class every day and picking him up after. He always wants to make sure that Charlie has a toy too. Today at the grocery store, he even insisted that I buy a special snack for Charlie, because Charlie doesn’t like “spicy chips”. Kindnesses Charlie returns with a seemingly endless string of hugs and kisses. It so thoroughly fills my soul. I cannot imagine the pain other parents must suffer when their kids are ill and see that threatened to be ripped away.
Because of that, I want to do what I can to help bring us to a world where every child has the opportunity for their laughter and joy to fill the hearts of their parents and they have the opportunity to live out the promise of a healthy life.
This year is extra special because Henry decided that he wants to shave with me! He always has so much fun rubbing daddy’s “spikey” head, he thought it would be cool to do it himself.
As important as the event itself is, it is all the more meaningful this year because since last year, the organizer, my friend Jay Jugoz has himself been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. As if any of us really needed a reminder of how real the impact is.
I am so grateful for all of the support last year but I need your help again! Will you make a donation? Every dollar makes a difference for the thousands of infants, children, teens, and young adults fighting childhood cancers.
To help promote the event, Henry and I will be shaving live on ABC10’s Your California Life the morning of March 11 (9-10 am). The event will be at Riverside Sports Bar on March 14th.