I am shaving my head as a PA student because I think it will give me at least some level of empathy with any future patients I may encounter who are going through chemotherapy, for my friends and family who have gone through chemotherapy and have lost their hair, for all the children who have and will go through chemo, for a future child I may have or know who may need this, to donate my hair to Locks of Love, and many more reasons! So please, help me reach my goal and see me hairless on March 24th!
If each of my facebook friends donated $13 dollars, I would reach my goal! Some of you could donate more... some of you could donate whatever works for you and spread the word. My friends + your friends = more people, more possible donations, higher chance that I'll reach my goal and that I'll shave my head! Let's just get closer! After all, this is to help kids with cancer not be "kids with cancer" anymore!!
To help kids fighting cancer, I'm a volunteer and a shavee with the St. Baldrick's Foundation. Please support me! With head-shaving and other fundraising events, this volunteer-driven charity funds more in childhood cancer research grants than any organization except the U. S. government. Your gift will give hope to infants, children, teens and young adults fighting childhood cancers. So when I ask for your support, I'm really asking you to support these kids. Thank you! Click "Make a donation" to give online, or donate by phone or mail.