Ebony Aleah Morales is our sweet little angel.She is silly, loves to dance crazy with her mom and she always wins the heart of everyone. She is the gold in our hearts that show us the beauty in this world.But...August 27, 2014 just only a couples day after starting school and a little bit less than a month before her 4th birthday Ebony went to the doctors to get approved for head start as well as concerns with leg pains and a rash she had developed on her face a week earlier. The doctor sent us to get blood work. Mommy bear was so proud that day our sweet Ebony took it so great. She didn't cry one bit, but it quickly changed to fear. Our doctor order x rays for her leg pains. We drove to the hospital and start registering. The doctor called me to give me the results of her blood work. She told me not to freak out but Sweet Ebony white blood cell count was 164,000 which is 10 times higher than what it should be and usually means cancer. My heart dropped everything I was doing was mute. That giant lump in your throat that only seems to make his grand appearance in horrible times. The paper work, the lady asking me question to register was silent. The doctor gave me the address number to the childrens oncologist. We drove over immediately. That day everything change and all the questions and concerns we been having for our daughter for so long were finally answered. My daughter... our daughter had CANCER. The one thing I've always feared about my daughter having was actually happening. We use to receive those little letters from st. judes hospital about sponsoring a child and to help raise money for those family. Thanks to st. judes those families don't have to pay for the health cost. Well in the many papers in those letters is a list of sign of childhood cancer. I would read them and analyze my child. And at one point it scared me. That some of the signs were on there. When this news became apparent. I wanted to ball my eyes out. I want to cry so much but you can't till your mom or friend ask you if you're okay thats what happen. Just one are you okay and all the tears came pouring out. We were admitted that day planned for chemotherapy, for her port, the treatment plan, and what leukemia was. Leukaemia is a very common cancer and that was my motivation that it isnt the worst. Those weeks in the hospital made everything so real. The packet our oncologist gave us to read on what leukemia was. Having to call your work. Calling family and having to say the words " Ebony was Diagnosed with Leukemia." No one is ever prepared for that Its just seemed so surreal. But that was the beginning of having to do. There is so much that has happen since that point but the most important is September 26, 2014 a day before her diagnose our strong girl was in remission the results came back and she was cancer free. You think its would end there right. Guess what? Its doesnt! We have seen this sweet angel overcome so many things. To her port getting infected and having to get a pic line after two attempts. She has palsy on one side of her face which lucky we were able to reverse.To her pic line getting infected. Having to get poked for IV's so much she was scared every nurse was going to poke her. Getting many infections, blood transfusions, getting palette, mouth sores and so much so much more. She has still managed to be the best silly sweet loving brave daughter any parent could ask for. January 19, 2015 Sweet Ebony started her 1st day of radiation. One thing we really tried to avoid but seems to be very necessary in her case. But one thing is fear of any chance of cancer coming back. Ebony received low radiation to the brain. She surprised everyone with how brave she is. Something that most kids would freak out about at her age, she didnt! She wore her mask proudly. On February 4, 2015 Ebony finished her last 12th radiation. A couple weeks after finishing her radiation Ebony experience really bad radiation burns. For someone who receive low radiation she didn't not tolerate it well. But still she is able to push through any burning ring of fire that cancer has thrown her way. She will fight to get past what cancer has brought and made a part of her life. She is strong and she is a princess. She will do it with such grace. Never once have we heard her complain about her treatments or not wanting to do then. She is a true warrior at heart. We very proud of our princess. We love for you to join our sweet Ebony's Journey. We thank everyone that has been such a support for our sweet Ebony. That have let her into your hearts. Thank you for constantly sending prayers.
The Childhood Cancer Ripple Effect
Help Give Kids a Lifetime
Infants, children, teens and young adults are depending on us to find cures for childhood cancers — and to give survivors long and healthy lives.
Support lifesaving childhood cancer research today.
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