Honored Kid

Bryson Caster

Bryson Caster Kid Photo


Rockledge , FL, US



Date of Diagnosis

August 2021


Passed away

Treated At

Nemours Children's Clinic - Orlando

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My Story

Update from mom(3/5/22): Our sweet baby boy, Bryson went to heaven today at 1:11. He went peacefully with no pain and no suffering. Since July, Bryson has been in pain and hurting. He is finally pain free and walking with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Bryson continued to care about everyone else even in the last days. He showed the true selflessness that we can only admire. Our baby boy will never be gone because he will live in our hearts forever. He has left a legacy that we are so proud of. ---- This will be the easiest way to follow this journey that God has given us. Let me go back and give some back story.  Bryson, our 11 year old son, was healthy and happy on our last trip to Savannah in July for July 4th. He was swimming, skateboarding, playing basketball, walking all over, scootering, and so much more. Who knew that would be our last family vacation for quite some time coming.  
Once we got home from camping in Savannah we noticed Bryson was limping with his foot. We took him to orthopedic and they xrayed and all was cleared.  A week later we noticed he started to limp worse he complained of his back. I scheduled another appointment for orthopedic. He wanted to refer our, but completed some blood work. It was beautiful nothing to be worried about. The next week he was walking dog so excited about to head off to church camp for first overnight camp when the dog pulled and he fell. He could barely move so we cancelled camp and took him to nemours. He was so devastated, but they found he had a compression fracture in his back at T12. He was put in back brace for 8-10 weeks.  
Fast forward to 2 weeks later where we were continuing to see a very big decline in mobility. He was taken back and nothing was found at orthopedic. On Tuesday, august 17th Bryson got out of the shower and showed us his bruises all on tops of his legs. We were so confused how did this happen with him not even doing anything. My mom gut said nope he has to go back. So Danny took him back to ER at nemours (as only one person is allowed and we have 3 other kids). I thought this will be easy fix and they will help his pain and all will be right.  Well it wasn’t, they did blood work and it came back with low red blood cells, low platelets, and liver enzymes elevated. He was admitted. When we got to room a hematologist/oncologist came in the room to meet with us. He started explaining all the blood tests that he had ordered and said the word no parent ever wants to hear. He said I am concerned about leukemia due to some alarming numbers and all. I want to prep him and do a bone marrow biopsy and aspiration today at 2 pm. The room filled I had sent danny home to shower. I sat there while nurses filled room with paperwork and consents. I was in shock I called danny he showered and rushed back. He had to have an iv infusion to help his blood clot better his blood pressure spiked they gave lasix and took him into OR. Danny and I sat in the waiting room weeping and staring at each other in disbelief that we were having this happen. The doctor came out and told us the procedure didn’t go as well as wanted because he was bleeding to bad. They ended up getting some, but he was unsure if enough. He told us it would take 24 hours to get results. So we waited and sat and waited.  At 4:15 on August 19th, a team stood at door including social workers, oncologists, child life specialist. And we knew we were about to get the worst news ever. The doctor sat down and said ok we have results. They told us that in his bone marrow they found small round blue cell tumors. This indicates malignant cancer, but they are unsure of name and where tumor is. The next 20 minutes was a blur of big scientific words, feeling like you wanted to throw up, trying to not cry in front of our son and being strong, squeezing my husbands hand, and so many uncertainties of the future. The room cleared and I sat on the bed with Bryson and asked if he had any questions. First question, is it contagious? Second, am I going to die? Third, can I be home for my birthday? Ouch if any of you have ever had to answer that second one for your kid it sucks. We cried together on that bed and I answered we fight. We are fighters and we aren’t stopping today. He was strong I was strong, danny was strong. Later we were told he had stage 4 rhabdomyosarcoma. Our lives changed and we are now currently receiving chemo therapy and radiation. We are continuing treatment and working towards being cancer free. Thank you for supporting me and the more than 300,000 kids worldwide who will be diagnosed with cancer this year. By sharing the gifts of your time, talent and money with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, you're supporting research to give all kids with cancer a better chance for a cure.

The Childhood Cancer Ripple Effect

Help Give Kids a Lifetime

Infants, children, teens and young adults are depending on us to find cures for childhood cancers — and to give survivors long and healthy lives.

Support lifesaving childhood cancer research today.

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