A little back story about me!
My mom took me in for my 15 month dr appt on Monday (Jan 27) at 8:20am and by 3pm we were admitted into the Pediatric Oncology ward at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu! After lots of blood draws, tests and waiting we have found out that I had a form of leukemia (AML). I had a PICC put in and my chemo treatments started that afternoon and will continue for 6 months while we stay in the hospital. My oncologists (Dr. Delaney & Dr. Giamanco) are very confident that with catching this as early as we did that I will make a full recovery and live a happy healthy life.
ABBEY UPDATE!! March 11 2020: After 10 days of intense chemo and 3 weeks of rest we can officially say that Abbey is in REMISSION!!!! Her bone marrow biopsy showed NO active leukemia cells in her marrow. The rest of treatment is to kill all of the inactive cells that could potentially become active and cause the leukemia to come back. We got to go home for a week while we waited for her ANC (white blood cell) count to be high enough to have a Broviac central line put in and then start her next round of chemo. She has been doing better than the doctors have expected! She is considered "low risk" so our time table will stay the same. 8 days of chemo (started yesterday) and 3 weeks of rest. After that 2 more cycles and she should be good to go. We can't thank the doctors and staff here at Tripler Army Medical Center enough for all of their hard work and expertise with getting Abbey the treatment she needs. Everyone has made us feel right at home (as much as it can be). We would also like to thank everyone for all their continued love and support throughout this crazy journey.
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