Honored Kid

Shane Beaver

Age 27
Shane Beaver Kid Photo


Sneads Ferry, NC, US



Date of Diagnosis

January 2013


In remission

Treated At

Levine Children's Hospital at Carolinas Medical Center

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My Story

Shane was 15 when he was diagnosed with Burkitt's Lymphoma. He started off around Thanksgiving of the previous year complaining of stomach pains. First doctor said he was constipated & to change his diet. Next doctor said he was constipated & to change his diet and try a laxative. Obviously, neither worked. A note here...the oncologist made the point to us that children 6-18 typically do NOT get constipated and that it is usually lymphoma...do NOT hesitate to get your child seen if they develop these symptoms, please! We were told very bluntly that if this had gone another two weeks without being caught, Shane would have died. After a trip to the emergency room in January, he was transferred to Levine Children's Hospital where the next day he was diagnosed with Stage IV (B) Burkitt's Lymphoma. I can't say enough positive things about the Pediatric Oncology staff & physicians at Levine's. They were incredible, caring people that helped our family keep part of our sanity during a horrible time. Shane handled his diagnosis & treament with grace, dignity, strength, resilience and courage. After about 30 mins of being stunned, he turned to me. "Hey does this mean I'm going to be a cancer survivor?" "Yes, son, I guess it does." "ALRIGHT!! College scholarship!" Another time, he looked at us and said "Mom, mom...I'm dying.......now can I have a data plan??" (Although he was initially told no, his stepmother DID indeed get him a data plan about a month later. lol) Shane is in remission now. Hopefully, it will stay that way. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Thank you for supporting my son and the more than 300,000 kids worldwide who will be diagnosed with cancer this year. By sharing the gifts of your time, talent and money with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, you're supporting research to give all kids with cancer a better chance for a cure.

The Childhood Cancer Ripple Effect

Help Give Kids a Lifetime

Infants, children, teens and young adults are depending on us to find cures for childhood cancers — and to give survivors long and healthy lives.

Support lifesaving childhood cancer research today.

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