Starting in the womb, Olly has had medical problem after medical problem. Including the in utero demise of his twin sister, Evelyn, preterm birth, nicu stay, breathing difficulties, malacia, constant rashes, vomiting, failure to thrive, and other issues.
In October of 2011, he started favoring his left arm. When his mom looked at his back, it appeared that he had dislocated his shoulder. Thus began his pain filled journey to his ultimate diagnosis of Multi System Langerhan Cell Histiocytosis with Risk Organ Involvement.
Langerhan Cell Histiocytosis aka LCH, is a rare cancer/autoimmune hybrid disease in which the body produces too many histiocytes that come together in destructive tumors or lesions that eat away wherever they are located. There is no cure for LCH, only treatment and remission.
Olly has evidence of LCH in his skin, ears, lymph nodes, bone marrow, digestive system, liver, evidence of it affecting his pituitary and spleen, and extensive bone lesions (both shoulder blades, collar bone ribs, and many skull places) and the bones that are not affected by lesions are thinned.
As of December 2012, Olly was declared in REMISSION and, on May 3, 2013 just 2 days before he turned 3 years old, our SuperBean had his very last chemo treatment!! We know there is no cure for HIstiocytosis, but he has kicked its butt and it is is asleep... we are praying fro it to be FOREVER asleep!
Thank you for supporting Olly and the more than 300,000 kids worldwide who will be diagnosed with cancer this year. By sharing the gifts of your time, talent and money with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, you're supporting research to give all kids with cancer a better chance for a cure. God Bless You!