Honored Kid

Brian Loomis

Age 39
Brian Loomis Kid Photo


Weymouth, MA, US


Hodgkin lymphoma

Date of Diagnosis

April 1998



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My Story

- When I was younger I heard the most horrifying words at the doctors, "Stage 4B Hodgkin Lymphoma." Unsure of what to expect my parents and myself sat there in complete awe. It was a complete shock and also a means to an end of my sickness. After going through months of chemotherapy and radiation I was finally declared in ''remission.'' Years later I have been graced with a beautiful wife, stepdaughter, and loving and caring friends and family. - Now as a grown man I believe I look at life in a different aspect. I like to believe in doing a little more like raising money for such a good cause like this can help give back to what helped me get through and hopefully give a little bit of hope to whoever needs it in the world. Miracles CAN happen in the smallest of ways. Even if it comes in such a small way of shaving your head, its a small price to pay to help bring joy to a child's face for even a day. This disease is not an easy one to deal with on the inside nor outside and I hope by all the folks doing this as well as myself it can help all that much more in the future help make it easier to find a cure.

The Childhood Cancer Ripple Effect

Help Give Kids a Lifetime

Infants, children, teens and young adults are depending on us to find cures for childhood cancers — and to give survivors long and healthy lives.

Support lifesaving childhood cancer research today.

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