It all started when Abi's grandmother noticed a lump on her left side
of her stomach. She felt a large mass between the bottom of her
rib to the top of her pelvis bone. So we call the doctors that day to
have it checked out. They scheduled an ultrasound 5 days out from t
he appt and then went back to the doctors 4 days later to find out was
the results were. That is when we got the news that she possible has
a tumor growing on her kidney. Of course we were in shock. How could
this be happening to our little girl. She has gone through enough when
she was born 5 1/2 weeks early with 9 days in the NICU. We were told
to head that same day to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY
and to take all of Abi's favorite things to make her comfortable. We
arrived at the Peds. ER and the testing began that night. Over the next
3 days she under went more ultrasounds, X-rays, CT scans and MRI's
to get a true diagnoses of what the mass was and where it is located.
We met with many Hemo and Urology doctors in the ER who would be
doing the surgery on Abi. On Christmas Eve 2007 Abi went in for
surgery to remove the 3 1/2 inch tumor and left kidney. We found out
that it is called Wilm's Tumor. There are 500 known cases a year for
children in teh US. We were told that the surgery would last 2 1/2 hours
and it ended up being 7 hours long. They took there time due that Abi
is so small and the tumor was so large. The doctors removed
everything!!! What an amazing team of doctors we had taking care of
our daughter. I was the first to see Abi after the surgery. I was happy to
see her alive looking for me, but I couldn't help but cry when I saw her
laying on the bed with tubes in her arm, chest and nose. She was
pumpkin orange due to the sterile soap they use for surgery and her
skin was very puffy from the fluids. Abi had a 4 inch cut across her
belly where they removed the tumor. That is the size of her whole belly.
The doctors also put in a Broviac in her chest so that it is easier to
feed hAbi her medicines, draw blood and have any other test done
without poking her with needles. This tube is fed into the major artery
near her heart. It is very safe for her to have. She was still so beautiful!!!
We had a long night of nurses checking on her stats every 2 hours.
But Christmas morning was a day to celebrate that she had no
complications during the night and she is on the road to recovery.
We stayed for 5 more days and Abi slowing was getting up to walk
and play again. they amazing part is she only had 2 does of morphin
after surgery. She is a tough little cookie. The day before we went
home Abi had her NG tube taken out of her nose that was empting
all of the stomach fluid left from before surgery. When the doctors
removed the tumor and kidney they looked at the right kidney to make
sure that it was not affected in any way. They saw a spot on the CT
scan that showed a possible spot. After looking at it during surgery
it was fine, but that pulled her intestines and stomach out of her body
to look at the kidney. When that put everything back they have to
pump the stomach fluid out so the patient doesn't throw up and pull
there stitching out. ABi was eating and drinking like a horse so we
got to go home for a couple of days before starting Chemo. We were
waiting for the pathology report to come back to see what type of
Chemo Abi would be getting. She was fully diagnosed with Stage 2
Wilm's tumor. That means she has kidney cancer. The tumor had
little feelers on it that attached to the tissue wall of her insides and
she needs a little more aggresive Chemo to kill any cancer that was
left. We are scheduled for Chemo 1 time a week for the next 19 weeks.
We started her Chemo yesterday. It is a long drive for us every week.
It's a 4 hour drive total for use. So far the chemo has been nice to Abi.
We are giving her nausea medicine 4 times a day or as needed and
GlycoLax to help her poop. She needs to poop at least once a day to
keep her from being bound up. The Chemo medicines tend to do that
and any bacteria can give Abi an infection. That is not good. Abigail
and I are trying to get a daily routine done. We have only been home 5
days and she is doing well, but don't enjoy any of it. I'm not either.
Every morning I have to flush her Broviac tube to keep the lines open
from any clots. This is not fun to do. But I love my daughter and would
do anything for her. We are keeping her belly clean from the surgery.
It is still healing, but looks good. This has been very hard to deal with
and would pu this on anyone. We would like to thank our family and
friends for all their support and prayers. Thank you from the bottom
of our hearts.
It has been has been 8 months now since Abi has had any treatments
and is now going every 3 months for check ups. Her scares are
healing nicely and so is her pride. She is very active now and full of
joy. We are so blessed to have out little girl with us. She has not only
proven how strong she is, but has made our family stronger through
this. She is our Angel on land!!!
The Childhood Cancer Ripple Effect
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