Honored Kid

Christian G.

Christian  G. Kid Photo


Berwyn, IL, US


Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

Date of Diagnosis

April 2005


Other deceased

Treated At

Cardinal Bernardin Cancer Center

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My Story

My name is John Conversa. I was introduced to St. Baldricks (in 2007) by my nephew, who along with peers of Firemen was getting involved in this foundation. Counting my blessings that all three of my children are healthy, I decided to join my nephews team for the cause. (I also often wondered how I would look as a baldy.) The donations from family and friends were overwhelming and I rose close to $2500.00 for the foundation. The baldy look was not so hot, but well worth it. Last year (2008) was my second year participating. Prior to the event I sent out the following note regarding a friend of mine from work and his little boy. It went to all of my family and friends. "Pedro Gonzalez works here at Ferrara Pan Candy Co. and has a beautiful little boy named Christian. For almost 4 years Christian was happy, playful and all that an innocent child should be. Two days before Christian's 4th birthday Pedro noticed bruises on his son's body. His face lost all color and he became feverish. He wouldn't eat and just wanted to stay in bed all day. They went to the doctor and were advised to immediately take Christian to the emergency room. After further testing Christian was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Christian turns 7 years old next Tuesday (February 19th). He has good days and he has not so good days. Every day is stressful for Pedro and his wife. They hope and they pray that some day there will be a cure. On March 14th Pedro and I are shaving our heads in support of Christian so that some day there may be a cure. " Shortly after last years event, I sent the note below to all who donated: "Due to your generous donations under my name we were able to raise $5,222.00. This was the highest individual amount raised and Miss Illinois did indeed shave Pedro with his son Christian sitting right next to him. Our team, the Woodsmen raised $12,730.00 for the St. Baldricks Foundation. The event (one of many in the Chicago area) raised $61,178.19. I'd say it was quite a success. Thank you all for your support!" Today, close to a year later, let me give you a quick update on Christian. Christian has gone thru four and a half years of cancer treatment. He will turn 8 next Thursday and this past summer he had the chemo port removed from his chest signifying his treatments were over. And now, just 6 weeks prior to St. Baldricks 2009 event Christian was at St Judes in Memphis where he was told his cancer is in remission. For the entire Gonzalez family, this is a celebration of life. This also means that Christian will enjoy watching his favorite team this summer, the Chicago Cubs. And if by chance it takes them another 100 years to win another World Series title, our hopes are that Christian is there to see it! Until all stories have the same outcome as Christian's we will continue our quest.

The Childhood Cancer Ripple Effect

Who's Honoring Me

Help Give Kids a Lifetime

Infants, children, teens and young adults are depending on us to find cures for childhood cancers — and to give survivors long and healthy lives.

Support lifesaving childhood cancer research today.

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