Children’s Specialty Center of NevadaSunrise Children's Hospital
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My Story
Before I share our little warrior princess' cancer story, I thought you should know her background story first.
Luna Ariel was the most wanted baby ever! Her father and I prayed every night for 5 1/2 years before we were blessed to find out we were expecting our first child. From the moment we laid eyes on her, we were completely in love.
She never wakes up unhappy or crying and it's been that way since she brought home. She loves to play and laugh. She steals the hearts of anyone she meets.
On May 17, 2017 at 9 1/2 months, she went in for an MRI. Her pediatrician wanted to make sure there was nothing "going on behind the scenes" when she was diagnosed with nystagmus (rapid movement of the eyes). He was more than certain that there was nothing to worry about because she was developing beautifully. She did all the things a 9 month old does.
The very next morning, May 18, 2017, our lives changed forever.
Her pediatrician called me to inform me that they found the mass in her brain and it was beyond something he could treat and that we need to see an oncologist right away. My heart sank.
That afternoon, I held my baby as her oncologist told us the words that no parent should ever have to hear, "your baby has a brain tumor called an Optic Glioma tumor and we must start chemotherapy immediately." This is something that I would never wish on my worst enemy.
We were admitted into the hospital that same night. The very next morning, she underwent her first surgery to have her port implanted in her chest so she could have her chemotherapy treatments. The following morning, she had her second MRI scan in order to ensure the cancer had not spread to her spine, as this cancer is known to spread. We hear the cancer is contained in her brain near the optic nerve.
While in the hospital, she contracts an infection that puts her in isolation, gives her diarrhea, won't let her sleep and a terrible diaper rash.
We are released on Sunday evening and feel so happy to have her home. Unfortunately, she falls ill the next day. Fever of 101 and is admitted back into the hospital. After another rough night, we are finally back home and she is starting to feel a little better.
The plan is 10 weeks of induction treatment, which she just finished up. 2-3 weeks of break then approximately 8-9 maintenance treatments which will be 4 weeks of treatments and 2 week breaks.
She has a long road ahead of her but we have a great support system around us. This little warrior princess is truly loved.
But first and foremost, we have God in our hearts. We prayed every night that God would bless us with a baby and He gave us her. And now we pray every night that He bless her to get her though this.
Thank you for supporting me and the more than 300,000 kids worldwide who will be diagnosed with cancer this year. By sharing the gifts of your time, talent and money with the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, you're supporting research to give all kids with cancer a better chance for a cure.
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