Olivia was diagnosed April 2018 with ALL. She is fierce, a princess warrior and our hero!!! She is full of life, love and laughter and we are so blessed to be Princess Warriors mommy and daddy! She is currently in the last 6 months of treatment and will RING THE BELL August 31, 2020! We have several years ahead of oncology visits and monitoring to ensure she remains in remission. We are thankful to The Lord and all of you/pray warriors during these last 2 years!!! Please continue praying for Olivia!
My husband is shaving his head AND BEARD if we hit our goal of $5K with St. Baldrick's to raise money and help conquer kids' cancers! As many of you know, my husband has not shaved in years and he refuses to shave his beard... however this year he has agreed to if we can hit our stretch goal in honor of our Olivia and other children that have been affected by childhood cancer!!! Please consider donating as ALL proceeds go to childhood cancer research. It would mean so much to our family! Thank you everyone and God Bless!
Love, Autumn Harbert
Every 2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer worldwide, and 1 in 5 of those in the U.S. will not survive. I refuse to accept this reality, so I’ve decided to fundraise for lifesaving research to find cures and better treatments for kids.
Now I need your support! Your donation can fund research to help kids survive and thrive. Join me today and let’s #DFYchildhoodCancers together.