Event 7

Helen Fitzgerald's Irish Grill and Pub Event Logo


Helen Fitzgerald's Irish Grill and Pub

Mar 5, 2011 • 12:00 pm

At: Helen Fitzgerald's Irish Grill and Pub

3650 South Lindbergh, St. Louis, MO US

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Conquer Kids' Cancer Other Ways To Give

Milestones & Stretch Goals

$ 338,868
  • GOAL 200,000 $

Every 2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer. Help me fund the research that will save their lives!



$200,000 GOAL

$200,000 GOAL

Event 7

Download Donation Form

(888) 899-2253

Celebrating 25 Years

St. Baldrick’s started as a grassroots effort 25 years ago, driven by people who believe in helping kids with cancer.

National Partner

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Event Details

Welcome to St. Baldrick's-Helen Fitzgerald's - our 8th year!!!!!! We are ecstatic to come back another year for St. Baldrick's at Helen Fitzgerald's Irish Grill and Pub! We have closed shavee registration for this event. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm that got us to this point!! Our community is AMAZING!!! Thanks to everyone who attended our Pre-Registration event!! Now you can tell your family and friends when you're shaving! Shavees/ teams that did not attend our pre-registration on 2/23 will be slotted into available slots as they arrive on event day. Please contact VEO, Laura Wulf, if you have questions about times available on event day. Join us, too, on Saturday, March 12th, as we proudly fly "Lucky" - the St. Baldrick's-Helen Fitzgerald's mascot parade balloon, down the streets of downtown at the St. Louis Metropolitan St. Patrick's Day Parade! We hope you join us as we show support for our local families fighting, surviving or remembering childhood cancer.......and as we raise awareness and funds to support research for ALL families - present and future. In the US, more children die of childhood cancer than any other disease. Please make a donation on our behalf to support childhood cancer research so that all children diagnosed with cancer will have a better chance for a cure. To make a donation, click on "Make A Donation" or donate by mail or phone. Thank you for your support!

St. Baldrick’s Honored Kids

Kids with cancer are our reason for it all. They’re the inspiration behind our event and the reason we’re helping fund childhood cancer research. We believe all kids should be able to grow up and turn their dreams into realities. Join our event or make a donation, and click the photos below to read their incredible stories.

Top Participants

View All (561)
  1. Erin Friedman $8,328.00
  2. Fletch $7,186.00
  3. Mike Cox $6,640.00

Looks like participants haven't started fundraising yet. Check back soon to see this event's top participants.

Top Teams

View All (43)
  1. Girls Gone Bald $21,510.85
  2. Take It (OFF) To The MAX!!!!! $20,968.00
  3. Charlie's Angels $20,615.00

Looks like teams haven't started fundraising yet. Check back soon to see this event's top teams.

Recent Donors

View All
  1. Richard Saling 11/5/2011
  2. Stephanie Moll 8/9/2011
  3. Greensfelder, Hemker and Gale, P.C. 7/18/2011
  4. Greensfelder, Hemker and Gale, P.C. 7/18/2011
  5. C. Richard Gulick 7/18/2011

Celebrating 25 Years

St. Baldrick’s started as a grassroots effort 25 years ago, driven by people who believe in helping kids with cancer.

Local Supporters

Event Activities

  • 12:00 noon - 7:00pm

    Silent Auction

  • 12:00 noon - 3:00pm

    Face Painting in the Kids' Corner

  • 12:00 noon - 2:00pm

    Welcome Jen Meyers from Y-98!

  • 2:00pm - 4:00pm

    Welcome Courtney Landrum from Y-98!

  • 4:00pm - 6:00pm

    Welcome Guy Phillips from Y-98!

  • 6:00pm - 8:00pm

    Welcome Kevin the Intern from Y-98!