Picture of a young girl smiling in a swimming pool

See The Impact

This is what it's all about. It's the reason we shave our heads, host events, give money and rally anyone who will listen.

We do it to fund lifesaving children's cancer research.

The research we fund has the potential to impact every kid diagnosed with cancer.

That's a pretty bold statement, and one we stand by. Here's why: the breadth and depth of the research we fund for childhood cancers is unparalleled.

More than $356 million. 1,887 grants. 31 countries.

When you give to St. Baldrick's, you don't just give to one institution–you give to more than 383 institutions that are treating kids with cancer across the U.S. and beyond.

It's a ripple effect that can change the world.

Picture of a map of the United States
  1. Argentina
  2. Australia
  3. Bermuda
  4. Brazil
  5. Canada
  6. Chile
  7. China
  8. Egypt
  9. El Salvador
  10. Finland
  11. France
  12. Germany
  13. Guam
  14. Hong Kong
  15. India
  16. Ireland
  1. Israel
  2. Japan
  3. Jordan
  4. Kenya
  5. Malawi
  6. The Netherlands
  7. New Zealand
  8. Puerto Rico
  9. Saudi Arabia
  10. Singapore
  11. Switzerland
  12. Thailand
  13. Uganda
  14. UK
  15. Uruguay
  16. USA

We are serious about funding the best. That doesn't happen by chance.

Our grant applications are reviewed by a group of more than 180 pediatric oncology experts in a rigorous peer–review process. We take every dollar and every grant decision seriously, because kids' lives are at stake.

Meet our Scientific Advisory Committee.

Picture of a research scientist

Phineas' life was saved by childhood cancer research.

When Phineas was 4, he was diagnosed with a high-risk form of leukemia — and even the best available treatment wasn't working. His only hope: a clinical trial supported by St. Baldrick's, using the immune system to fight cancer in a new way.

Progress is being made.

It takes decades of work to reach new discoveries, but children's lives are being saved today because of research funded by St. Baldrick's.

Neuroblastoma Discovery

A new discovery by St. Baldrick's researchers could radically transform treatment for kids with neuroblastoma - a new immunotherapy drug candidate that harnesses the immune system to fight cancer.

First Gene Therapy

Exciting progress has already come out of the EPICC Team's research, including FDA approval of the first gene therapy in the United States.

Target Pediatric AML Initiative

Through collaboration with thought leaders in the research community, St. Baldrick's has been highly responsive to the evolving landscape of childhood AML research. Our grants support every phase of the process, including early-stage research to challenge the status-quo and drive innovation.

You can help make more research possible.
Every grant gets us one step closer to cures.