Sign Up an Honored Kid
Share your child's story, join our community of families and inspire volunteers and donors.
About Honored KidsKids with cancer often lose their hair during treatment. As a "shavee," you’ll shave your head to show your support — and in the process, inspire friends and family to donate to childhood cancer research.
Sign up to go bald at one of the thousands of local head-shaving events, or join the “virtual event” to shave on your own.
Run a 5K, donate your birthday, host an all-night video game battle — this is a fundraiser that’s all you. You’ll have your own online page to collect donations, and can hold your fundraiser whenever, wherever you want. Plus it’s super easy to get started.
Start Your FundraiserShare your story, celebrate life, and make a lasting impact on the future of childhood cancer research.
Share your child's story, join our community of families and inspire volunteers and donors.
About Honored KidsInterested in starting a family foundation? We created Hero Funds just for you.
About Hero FundsHonor the life of a loved one and benefit childhood cancer research with a special page dedicated to their memory.
About MemorialsWe'll help you stay in the know about the most important childhood cancer issues and legislation and give you everything you need to take action.
St. Baldrick's began with three executives who were looking for a creative way to support childhood cancer research. Whether your company or organization is big or small, we can help you get involved in a way that best suits your needs.
Partner with St. Baldrick'sAs the largest non-government funder of childhood cancer research grants, you can be sure that the money you raise will fund the very best research in the U.S. and around the world. In fact, volunteers and donors like you have made possible over $356 million in grants since 2005.
(Pretty crazy, huh?)
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