Event 7783

13th Annual Windsor St. Baldrick's Fundraiser Event Logo


13th Annual Windsor St. Baldrick's Fundraiser

Mar 29, 2025 • 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

At: The Publican Windsor

9057 Windsor Road, Windsor, CA US

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Conquer Kids' Cancer Join Us Other Ways To Give

Milestones & Stretch Goals

$ 3,049
  • GOAL 25,000 $

Every 2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer. Help me fund the research that will save their lives!



$25,000 GOAL

$25,000 GOAL

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Event 7783

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(888) 899-2253

Celebrating 25 Years

St. Baldrick’s started as a grassroots effort 25 years ago, driven by people who believe in helping kids with cancer.

National Partner

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Event Details

Come be a part of the 25th year of St. Baldrick’s volunteers working to Conquer Kids’ Cancer at Windsor Town's 13th Annual St. Baldrick's Shavee Event 3/29/24

We are fired up and getting ready to celebrate Windsor Town's 13th Annual            

St. Baldrick's Shavee Event on March 29th at The Publican.  Our event will help speed the search for cures through St. Baldrick’s, the largest charity funder of childhood cancer research grants.

As the Event Volunteer Coordinator for Windsor Town St Baldrick’s Shavee Event and the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, I know I am helping find cures for children battling cancer in our community and throughout the world. Today I am asking you to come alongside us as a Shavee, support a Shavee, donate to the silent auction or become a King Lucky’s Messenger. YOU can join our League of Munificence as a

Messenger of Hope $100+

Messenger of Compassion $`250+

Messenger of Promise $500+

Messenger of Philanthropy $1,000+ 

Kids with cancer are our reason for it all. They’re the inspiration behind our event and the reason we’re helping fund childhood cancer research. We believe all kids should be able to grow up and turn their dreams into reality. Join our event as a Shavee, support a Shavee or make a donation and please come celebrate with us March 29 at The Publican in Windsor. With live music by our hometown band The Igniters, the silent auction items donated by our local community members like you and the main Shavee event celebrating our hometown hero’s new looks - this year will be the best!  For more information contact and donation details contact Joey at windsorpub.stbaldricks@gmail.com or Bear Riggins at Barry@kinwindsor.com



St. Baldrick’s Honored Kids

Kids with cancer are our reason for it all. They’re the inspiration behind our event and the reason we’re helping fund childhood cancer research. We believe all kids should be able to grow up and turn their dreams into realities. Join our event or make a donation, and click the photos below to read their incredible stories.

Top Participants

View All (20)
  1. Samina V. $1,386.78
  2. Carlos Licea $818.14
  3. Matthew Joffe $153.75

Looks like participants haven't started fundraising yet. Check back soon to see this event's top participants.

Top Teams

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  1. Carlos “Lupe’s Diner” $2,274.92
  2. Los Bald Bomberos! $253.75
  3. "Don't Shave" Dennis $40.13

Looks like teams haven't started fundraising yet. Check back soon to see this event's top teams.

Recent Donors

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Celebrating 25 Years

St. Baldrick’s started as a grassroots effort 25 years ago, driven by people who believe in helping kids with cancer.

Local Supporters