Event 14516

Summit Hill Jr High St. Baldrick's event Event Logo


Summit Hill Jr High St. Baldrick's event

Supporting: Julia's Legacy of Hope

Mar 28, 2025 • 10:00 am

At: Summit Hill Jr High

7260 North Ave., Frankfort, IL US

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Conquer Kids' Cancer Join Us Other Ways To Give

Milestones & Stretch Goals

$ 4,472
  • GOAL 10,000 $

Every 2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer. Help me fund the research that will save their lives!



$10,000 GOAL

$10,000 GOAL

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Event 14516

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(888) 899-2253

Celebrating 25 Years

St. Baldrick’s started as a grassroots effort 25 years ago, driven by people who believe in helping kids with cancer.

National Partner

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Event Details

Dear Spartan Community,

I am excited to share information about this year’s St. Baldrick’s event, which will take place at Summit Hill Junior High on March 28, 2025. This will be our second annual St. Baldrick's Shaving event. Last year, we raised an impressive $8,000, which we donated to Julia’s Legacy of Hope. This organization was founded by parents, one of whom is a retired D161 teacher, who tragically lost their daughter to Ewing’s Sarcoma and Acute Myeloid Leukemia. We are proud to support them again this year.

In addition to supporting Julia’s Legacy of Hope this year, as many of you know, we have a courageous SHJH student currently fighting Ewing’s Sarcoma. While undergoing treatments, he remains an active and inspiring member of our Spartan Family and we continue to be inspired by his strength.  A portion of the money we raise will be donated directly to support him, while the other portion will go to Julia’s Legacy of Hope to fund childhood cancer research.

Please keep an eye out for ways you can help us make this year’s event our most successful fundraiser yet! We are always looking for local businesses to contribute to our raffle fundraiser. Any donations would be greatly appreciated.

For questions or to get involved, please contact Kristen McDonald (kmcdonald@summithill.org) or Laura Goebel (lgoebel@summithill.org).

Upcoming Events:

There are raffles being sold at many events at SHJH.  Some of the prizes include:

bean bag boards

$150 to Antidote Salon

$50 to Three Corners

$150 to Trials Edge

Multiple Baskets donated by staff

Gift certificates to BEEM light therapy

Emagine gift cards

$150 to Dicks Sporting Goods

Thank you for your continued support as we come together for such an important cause!  Much more to come on our journey!

Join us to have some fun – and be a hero for kids with cancer!

Come be a part of the 25th year of St. Baldrick’s volunteers working to Conquer Kids’ Cancer!

You’ll be giving hope to thousands of kids diagnosed with cancer every day – from babies and toddlers to children, teens and young adults. In fact, you’ll be saving lives!

Our event will speed the search for cures through St. Baldrick’s, the largest charity funder of childhood cancer research grants.

Sign up to shave your head or to raise money another way. Can’t join us? Please make a generous donation to give kids the long, healthy lives they deserve.

You can accelerate the next 25 years of cures for kids with cancer!

St. Baldrick’s Honored Kids

Kids with cancer are our reason for it all. They’re the inspiration behind our event and the reason we’re helping fund childhood cancer research. We believe all kids should be able to grow up and turn their dreams into realities. Join our event or make a donation, and click the photos below to read their incredible stories.

Top Participants

View All (21)
  1. Nox William L. $555.65
  2. Blake H. $528.00
  3. Laura Goebel $451.42

Looks like participants haven't started fundraising yet. Check back soon to see this event's top participants.

Recent Donors

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  1. kevin przezdziecki 3/5/2025
  2. Students 3/4/2025
  3. Jackie Gallagher In Memory Of Linda Kincaid 3/1/2025
  4. Stephanie Mucha In Memory Of Anthony Mucha 2/28/2025
  5. Adriana Acevedo 2/17/2025

Celebrating 25 Years

St. Baldrick’s started as a grassroots effort 25 years ago, driven by people who believe in helping kids with cancer.

Local Supporters

Event Activities

  • Oct 17th - All Day

    SweetFrog Fundraiser: 20% of proceeds go to Summit Hill

  • 10am - 10pm

    Buona Beef Fundraiser: 20% of proceeds go to Summit Hill, bring your flyer with you